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Instruments Policy Priority Area 8:  Resourcing of Child Welfare Services and Institutions

Objective: To increase resources and upgrade the level of investment for resourcing of child welfare services.

8.1. Strengthen human and financial resources at the EAC Secretariat to monitor and coordinate Child Rights in the region

  • Establish and operationalise a Youth and Children Desk at the EAC Secretariat

  • Develop an Interagency Funding Strategy for Promotion Child Rights and Welfare in the EAC

  • Develop and implement a multi-sectoral approach for funding and monitoring CRs in the region

8.2. Promote evidence-based research, information sharing and advocacy to key decision makers at national and regional level to influence investment in children for economic development

  • Develop and implement evidence-based research strategy with research priorities on investment in children

  • Develop a platform for knowledge sharing among policy makers, universities, research think tanks and Civil Society.

  • Facilitate Regional and International Exchanges to support cross-country learning and sharing of best practices

8.3 Prioritise Child Rights issues in national and regional plans, budgets, projects and programmes

  • Incorporate the objectives of the regional policy in strategic and operational planning at Partner States level

  • Convene quarterly working group meetings to report on the Status of Child Rights in the Partner States

  • Convene an annual regional meeting to report on CRs

  • Develop an EAC Child Rights Score Card

There is currently no institutionalised budgeting and funding strategy for Child Rights both at regional and national levels. There is need to follow through with the commitments of the 2nd EAC Child Rights Conference whose theme was on โ€˜Investment in Childrenโ€™.

Thus, there is need to conduct an analysis on Child Responsive Budgeting in the EAC in response to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child General Comment No. 19 on Public Budgeting for the Realization of Childrenโ€™s Rights.



East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org