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Harmonized Classification of Fees, Forms and Procedures for issuance for Entry/Work/Residents Permit Fees

The East African Community has made significant strides towards harmonizing the classification, procedures, and fees for the issuance of Entry/Work/Residence Permits, streamlining processes and promoting the free movement of workers within the region. This initiative, outlined in Article 6(9) of the EAC Common Market Protocol (Free Movement of Workers) and Regulation 6(5) of the EAC Common Market Protocol (Right of Residence), underscores the commitment of Partner States to facilitate mobility and integration.

In November 2006, the EAC Council of Ministers adopted recommended harmonized classification and procedures for the issuance of entry/work permits across East Africa. This standardized framework aims to ensure consistency and fairness in the application process, fostering a conducive environment for both employers and migrant workers.

As part of this harmonization effort, the Partner States adopted a unified form for Work/Residence Permit and Special Pass, simplifying administrative procedures and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. By standardizing documentation, the EAC enhances transparency and efficiency, thereby facilitating the movement of skilled labor across borders.

Furthermore, some Partner States, including the Republic of Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya, have taken additional steps to promote the free movement of workers by waiving the requirement for payment of Work Permit fees. This progressive measure not only removes financial barriers for migrant workers but also incentivizes labor mobility, contributing to economic growth and regional development.

Overall, the harmonization of fees, forms, and procedures for the issuance of Entry/Work/Residence Permits represents a significant milestone in the quest for deeper regional integration within the East African Community. By promoting mobility, facilitating employment opportunities, and fostering cross-border cooperation, these initiatives propel the region towards a more prosperous and interconnected future.

East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org