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The EAC Manpower Survey

The East African Community (EAC), in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the EAC Secretariat, has embarked on a significant initiative: the EAC Manpower Survey. This comprehensive survey aims to gather valuable data on various aspects of the labour market across the region.

The EAC Manpower Survey consists of six modules, each designed to capture specific aspects of the labor landscape within the East African Community:

  1. Employers: Gathering insights from employers to understand their workforce needs, challenges, and requirements;

  2. Employees: Collecting data from employees to gain insights into their employment status, skills, and job satisfaction;

  3. Education and Training Institutions: Assessing the quality and effectiveness of education and training programs offered within the EAC;

  4. Informal Sector: Examining the dynamics of the informal sector, including employment patterns and economic contributions;

  5. Unemployment: Understanding the prevalence and characteristics of unemployment across the region; and

  6. Nationals in Diaspora: Gathering data on EAC nationals residing abroad to understand their skills, employment status, and contributions to their host countries and the region.

To ensure consistency and comparability across Partner States, a regionally agreed methodology has been developed for conducting the manpower surveys. This standardization facilitates meaningful comparisons and allows for the development of a comprehensive regional manpower database.

The Partner States are committed to conducting manpower surveys regularly, following the regional standards and timelines. This commitment ensures that policymakers and stakeholders have access to up-to-date and comparable data for informed decision-making and policy formulation.

The data collected through the EAC Manpower Survey will serve as a foundational resource for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders within the region. By providing insights into various aspects of the labor market, these surveys will inform the development of policies and initiatives aimed at promoting employment, skills development, and economic growth within the East African Community.


East African Community
EAC Close
Afrika Mashariki Road
P.O. Box 1096
United Republic of Tanzania

Tel: +255 (0)27 216 2100
Fax: +255 (0)27 216 2190
Email: eac@eachq.org