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Special invitation to join the EASTECO cohort in the AuthorAID course
‘Getting Started with Writing and Publishing Your Research (2023)’

You are invited to join the EASTECO cohort in the upcoming AuthorAID online course ‘Getting started with writing and publishing your research’, which starts on 16 May 2023.

To be considered for a place in the EASTECO cohort, you must join the course before 30 April 2023 and complete the pre-course survey in the course. Enrolment instructions are given in the next section of this document.

This will be a massive open online course (MOOC), open to researchers around the world. AuthorAID MOOCs have been offered regularly since 2015, and one distinguishing factor of our MOOC approach is the presence of guest facilitators who respond to participants’ questions on the course forums.

As a member of EASTECO you are entitled to take advantage of EASTECO’s generous co-sponsorship of the course. You will be able to access additional learning opportunities which are not available to other participants. The course will run for 8 weeks starting on 16 May 2023 (the course schedule is available on the next page). Successful participants typically spend about 5 hours per week on the course. You can study in your own time, whenever it’s convenient for you.

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