The Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera has sent a message of condolence to His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda on the tragic and untimely death of the former Chief of Defence Forces and Minister for Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uganda, the late General Aronda Nyakairima.
In a message dispatched today, the Secretary-General, on behalf of the East African Community mourns the passing of “a great son of Uganda and a towering figure of our time who has left an indelible imprint on the history of Uganda”.
Amb. Sezibera notes that the late General Nyakairima played a big role in deepening the EAC integration process in regard to the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Co-operation in Defence in the Community, while serving as Uganda’s Chief of Defence Forces.
“Together with his fellow Chiefs of Defence Forces from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi, the late General Nyakairima worked so hard through the Sectoral Council on Co-operation in Defence to ensure that the MoU is implemented to the letter”.
He says through the MoU, the EAC Partner States have continued to pursue an elaborate programme of activities of confidence building among the Defence Forces such as Joint Operations, Technical Assistance, Visits and Exchange of Information, Cultural Exchanges and Sports Competitions, to enhance a spirit of comradeship among the Armed Forces in the region.
The MoU, which has now been upgraded into a Protocol, lays emphasis on unity, peace, stability and strength to defend the region’s common interests.
The Secretary-General further observes that due to the dedication of the region’s Chiefs of Defence Forces, the Defence sector had undertaken the initiative to evaluate the defence co-operation with a view to coming up with a roadmap leading to a Defence Pact once the Protocol on Co-operation in Defence is ratified by all the Partner States.
“The entire East African Community and I share with Your Excellency, the bereaved family and the government and people of Uganda, the feelings of great loss at this moment of deep sorrow”, concludes the message.
The East African Community Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, today received credentials from the Ambassador and Representative of Switzerland to the EAC, Mr Arthur Mattli.
Speaking at the function, Amb. Mattli said that his appointment was out of his government’s commitment to deepen its co-operation with the EAC. Amb. Mattli noted that the EAC had made significant achievements including promoting regional trade and infrastructure development, adding that Switzerland was keen on providing support to drive the integration process forward. The Swiss envoy said his country was following the integration process closely and urged the EAC to engage the youth in their projects so that they can embrace the idea of regional integration.
He said the EAC could particularly collaborate with Switzerland in the area of vocational training which he noted has been his country’s key to economic growth.
“Switzerland’s secret to economic growth is vocational training. We have the smallest country in Europe, which is also the least populated and the lowest education per capita in terms of university graduates in Europe. However, we have the highest level of patents and innovations. This shows that you need not have the highest number of university graduates in order to innovate”, said Amb. Mattli. Amb. Mattli said that vocational training in Switzerland is through public-private partnerships, adding that education must be meaningful to any economy.
“Lessons must be practical so innovations start very early. Investors want skilled people, not just people entering the job market”, he said, adding that for vocational training to be taken seriously, artisans must be given as much respect as highly educated people.
In his remarks, Amb. Dr Sezibera said the youth were a critical target for the EAC and disclosed that the Community had appointed youth ambassadors who were doing an excellent job promoting the integration process.
Dr Sezibera said the youth should not only buy into the integration but should be able to benefit from the process. The SG said the Community’s Education department was currently working on framework for vocational training in the region, which would address issues of training, qualifications and certification.
He, however, expressed concern that most Partner States had moved away from vocational training towards university education which is more academic rather than being practical.
Dr Sezibera urged Switzerland to consider supporting the EAC through the Partnership Fund, a basket fund which he said had enabled the Community to make significant achievements in various sectors.
The Secretary-General also called for Swiss support in upcoming negotiations between the EAC and the European Free Trade Area.
Meanwhile, the EAC Secretary-General Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera also received credentials from the Turkish Ambassador, Ms Yasemin Eralp, at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.
Present at the function were EAC Deputy Secretaries-General, Dr Enos Bukuku (Planning and Infrastructure) and Mr Liberat Mfumukeko (Finance and Administration), as well as Mr Peter Kiguta, Director-General (Customs and Trade).
The Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, met with Mr Thierry Meyrat, Head of Regional Delegation for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to discuss ways in which the two institutions can collaborate on areas of common concern, with the exclusive objective of safeguarding human dignity of the people of East Africa. The meeting took place today at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.
In line with the EAC’s vision of creating a prosperous, competitive, secure, stable and politically united East Africa, this collaboration will help in buckling down the influx of refugees across the region.
Amb. Sezibera requested Mr. Meyrat to provide the Community with training in international humanitarian law for staff, Partner States and other members within the EAC. Other areas of co-operation will be stipulated in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) being prepared by the two institutions.
“We are very keen on working in close collaboration with the EAC and in supporting it fulfil its mission on issues of concern to the ICRC”, said Mr Meyrat. “We are also happy in supporting the EAC to enhance its capacity to address specific humanitarian issues and at the same time, seek EAC’s support to facilitate its humanitarian work among its Partner States”, he said.
The Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Mrs Monica Mæland and an accompanying Norwegian business delegation will visit East African Community Headquarters on September 17, 2015. The purpose of the visit is to promote stronger commercial ties between EAC and Norway within sectors of mutual interest.
The Hon. Minister is expected to hold discussions with the EAC Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera on among others, Trade related matters, and thereafter, witness the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the East African Business Council and Innovation Norway. Immediately after the signing of the MoU, the EAC Secretary-General and the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry will brief the press.
Members of the press are hereby invited to cover the visit and participate in the events.
WHAT: Visit of the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Mrs Monica Mæland
WHEN: Thursday, 17 September 2015
WHERE: EAC Headquarters, Arusha, Tanzania
TIME: 3PM (East African Time)
Confirm your participation for this event latest by tomorrow 4pm to Mr Florian Mutabazi on Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Telephone: +255 753 288428
The Indian Minister of State for Skills Development and Entrepreneurship and a Special Envoy of the Prime Minister, H.E. Rajiv Pratap Rudy, over the weekend met the East African Community Secretary-General, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.
The Minister briefed Amb. Sezibera on the upcoming India-Africa Summit, which will take place in New Delhi in October this year and extend an invitation to EAC and other Regional Economic Communities to participate. Dr Sezibera appreciated the invitation from the Government of India and commended the ongoing preparation to host 3rd India-Africa Summit.
Meanwhile, the EAC Secretary-General briefed his guest on the latest developments in the regional integration process including implementation of the EAC Customs Union Protocol, Common Market Protocol and Monetary Union Protocol.
The 1st German-Africa Business Summit held from 7–8th September 2015 and attended by the Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera concluded in Berlin, Germany.
The Summit brought together over 500 German businesses and Federal Government senior officials that wish to prospect and facilitate acquisition of business opportunities in Africa.
Delivering a keynote address, Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs emphasised the need to improve the co-operation with African Governments towards economic co-operation from the traditional development co-operation.
He said economic co-operation will create jobs, reduce illegal migration, poverty levels and increase the market share of German businesses operating in sub-Saharan Africa. The Minister noted and commended the reforms achieved by the EAC within a short period of time that included the Customs Union, Common Market and the path towards the Monetary Union.
Participating at the “Panel of Honour”, the EAC Secretary-General stated that Africa had contributed to European growth through importation of manufactured goods and it was now time for Europe to contribute to Africa’s growth through strong economic partnerships.
While hosting the heads of delegations from the African Regional Economic Communities that included Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, EAC Secretary-General, H.E. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of African Union, H.E. Kadre Quedraogo, President of Economic Community of West African States and Dr Mbinkosi Mhlongo, Deputy Executive Secretary of Southern African Development Community, Dr Steinmeier highlighted the importance of including Digital Agenda in the current Development co-operation frameworks.
Amb. Sezibera expressed appreciation for the financial and technical assistance accorded to the EAC through the yearly contribution to the Partnership Fund, construction of the EAC headquarters in Arusha and visit by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Joachim Gauck to EAC headquarters earlier this year.
The Africa Regional Economic communities’ heads of delegations discussed how to combat illegal immigration, terrorism and how to improve governance with Dr Steinmeier.
Courtesy call to the former President of German
Speaking with the former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr Horst Kohler when he paid a courtesy visit, the EAC Secretary-General Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera expressed his appreciation for the extensive work done by the former president to support German businesses to set up operations in the EAC region and also his contribution to development work.
Dr Sezibera extended an invitation to Dr Kohler to deliver a keynote address during the upcoming Academia Public Private Partnership Forum organised by the Inter-University Council for East Africa that will be held from 22nd-23rd October in Kampala, an invitation which the former President accepted.
On his part, the former President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr Kohler hailed the reforms done by EAC to improve the business climate and to make it easier for German business community to enter the market. Dr Kohler noted that EAC region has to improve its vocational training for the young people, as the region gears up to became the manufacturing hub for Africa.
Dr Kohler emphasised that the German-Africa Business Summit was a noble initiative and he is looking forward to the Summit bridging the information gap that exist between German entrepreneurs and potential African business partners.
New Strategic Partnership between EAC-EABC and German Africa Business Association
EAC Secretary-General held a consultative meeting with the Chairman of German Africa Business Association, Dr Stefan Liebing and Manager for Eastern Africa, Asmau Nitardy. During the discussion, Amb. Sezibera noted that EAC region has a positive perception of German made products and the German business community should take advantage and set up operations in the region.
He added that the region offers some of the best incentives through preferential trade agreements for exports to European and US markets.
Dr Liebing expressed an interest in setting up a business information exchange portal between German and East Africa Businesses. The portal will exchange information on tenders available in the region and any new infrastructure projects.
He disclosed that German small and medium enterprises that employ between 1,500–5,000 staff members lacked information about business opportunities available in East Africa.
Dr Liebing also informed the EAC delegation of their strategic plan to start offering bundled solutions to private and public sector organisations in East Africa. This will allow them to compete with their counterparts from Asia.
EAC and the German Africa Business Association delegation agreed to set up a steering team that will conclude on a memorandum of understanding for creating a solid partnership in three core areas i.e. renewable energy, agro-chemicals and fertiliser, and pharmaceuticals.
East African Community investor’s forum
The EAC Secretary-General also attended an exceptional East African Community investor’s forum held at the closing of the Summit attended by 50 high net worth investors, hosted by the Regional Director for sub-Saharan Africa for the Federal Republic of German Government, Mr Georg Schmidt.
Mr Schmidt noted that the EAC is a shining example of a successful regional economic community in Africa and his conception of the expanded region would either include Somalia, Ethiopia, Southern Sudan or Madagascar.
Amb. Sezibera highlighted many attractive investment features but emphasised on two key areas which any serious investor would consider when scouting for the most attractive regional economic community. These include: a growing population of about 150 million people and the highest level of economic integration achieved in Africa.
According to the investors, EAC needs to sort out 4 key challenges to become the most attractive regional economic community in Africa among German investors: streamline border operations, regular engagement with German investors, improve ranking on the ease of doing business report and fast-track full implementation of the EAC Common Market Protocol.
The 10th meeting of the East African Community Sectoral Council on Energy is underway at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.
The Sectoral Council is being held through the sessions of the Energy Committee from Monday, 7th to Wednesday, 9th September 2015; the session of the Co-ordination Committee i.e. Permanent / Principal Secretaries on Thursday, 10th September 2015; and, the Ministerial session is on Friday, 11th September 2015.
The objective of the meeting is to review the progress made in the sector in implementing Council decisions and to consider other issues of regional importance in areas of New and Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation and Efficiency, Fossil Fuels as well as Power sub-sectors.
Journalists intending to cover the Ministerial session on Friday, 11th September 2015 are required to register with the EAC Media Coordinator, Mr Florian Mutabazi on Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Telephone: +255 785 288428
As the clock on the timeframe for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ticks away, the regional Assembly is gearing up to take a more central role in the implementation of the Post 2015 Development Agenda through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
EALA Members have today commenced on a two day sensitisation workshop on promoting SDGs with a mantra to ensure the region realises the set objectives of reducing poverty, achieving food security and enhancing gender equality amongst other development initiatives.
Addressing the legislators, EALA Speaker, Rt Hon. Daniel F. Kidega maintained that Parliaments had a fundamental role to play in ensuring implementation of the SDGs.
“We must take a more prominent role in ensuring full realisation of the SDGs. I can guarantee you that the fate of the SDGs will be equally sealed if Parliaments do not enact their own action plans and take up the mantle on some of the relevant areas to their mandate”, Rt Hon. Kidega said.
The theme of the workshop is the “Role of EALA in implementing the SDGs: Promoting peaceful and inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development”.
The two day meeting brings together Members of EALA and resource persons from institutions working round the clock to ensure Africa’s concerns are taken on board fully when SDGs are rolled out.
The institutions are Society for International Development, Africa Platform and the Institute for Economic Affairs. Its objectives include updating the Assembly on the status and details of MDGs and the post 2015 plus 2063 and the Vision of the EAC.
The meeting also analyses performance at the EAC level, hindrances and challenges learnt from MDGs while focusing on EALA mandate in promoting good governance, transparency and accountability.
The sensitisation workshop is also to explore strategies to ensuring the Global Development Framework (Post 2015 Development Agenda) is implemented and realised.
The Speaker said that EALA would hold Partner States accountable and enhance its oversight role in the dispensation.
“For example, on legislation, can we check if each of our Partner States have enacted laws in the areas on SDGs? If the laws are in place, are they being implemented? Has the public been sensitised about these laws? How much have we budgeted for the effective implementation of laws?”
He noted that it was important for the East African Community to allocate and appropriate more resources in the area of SDGs. He remarked that EALA was keen to enact a regional piece of legislation relevant to the realisation of the SDGs.
The Head of the Africa Platform Secretariat, Paul Okumu remarked that it was time for African countries to fully implement laws and policies around development. He said a number of SDGs were in one way or another already encapsulated in policy frameworks.
“We need to understand that developing countries want to ensure an open democratic space where we can all make decisions and have a vote. This is why the arena such as SDGs that bring together all countries is vital”, he said.
He remarked that the continent may face challenges as the goals may be complex to realise.
“Some of the areas have not been completed such as that dealing with Climate Change”, he added.
Associate Director of Society for International Development, Ali Hersi said it was necessary to have concrete binding commitments from Partners. He said the role of EALA was key in ensuring concrete steps are realised as the region moves to the comprehensive development goals.
He noted that it was important for the Continent to take its place and mark its space in the Development Agenda dispensation.
Analysts contend that as the world transitions from a focus on MDGs to the more comprehensive SDGs, the need for effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels to achieve the goals will increasingly take centre stage.
The United Nations is expected to hold a global Summit in New York on 25-27th September 2015 to adopt the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
Lack of accountability has been identified as a major weakness in MDGs implementation. From the Paris Accord to Accra Declaration to the recent Busan statements, the international community has continued to express hope that countries’ institutions be sufficiently capacitated to ensure internal supervision of National Government’s international engagements.
The Secretary-General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr Richard Sezibera, on Thursday paid a working visit to Roofings Group Uganda at its 2nd plant located in Namanve, Uganda’s upcoming Industrial Area on the outskirts of the capital, Kampala.
The Secretary-General was accompanied by Hon. Dr James Shinyabulo Mutende, Uganda’s Minister of State for Industry; Mr Dennis Karera, the Chair of the East African Business Council (EABC) and the Ag. CEO, Ms Lilian Awinja; Mr Hussein Omar, the EABC Uganda Chapter Chair; Dr Samuel M. Nyantahe, Chairman of Confederation of Tanzania Industries; Amb. Jean Rigi, Burundi’s Permanent Secretary for EAC Affairs; and, Commissioner Rona Sserwada from Uganda’s Ministry of EAC Affairs.
Welcoming the Secretary-General to the Plant, the Chairman and Managing Director of the Roofings Group, Mr Sikander Lalani, said it was gratifying that Amb. Sezibera’s visit to the plant came immediately after the 1st East African Manufacturing Business Summit held from 1st to 2nd September 2015 in the Ugandan capital.
Lalani said the deliberations at the Summit were all geared towards job creation for the youth, increasing value addition, quality assurance, enhancing tax revenues, fair trade and most importantly, boosting the region’s economic standing in the world.
Lalani told the Secretary-General of various issues that must be addressed at the regional level in order to boost the growth of the steel sector, namely: the need to increase the EAC Common External Tariff (CET) on galvanised wire to 25% in the region; and, the Re-bars to have either a fixed import tax rate based on volume at $250 EAC CET per tonne or based on value at 25% CET, whichever is higher.
The CEO also proposed removing cold rolled coils, galvanised coils and pre-painted coils from the duty remission schemes of Rwanda and Burundi. He also requested the region to put in place a robust quality assurance system by way of adopting regional standards in the steel sector as well as putting in place a level playing field in tax administration.
He further urged EAC Partner States’ governments to prioritise and enhance local / regional content for infrastructural and donor-funded projects as a way of promoting the Buy East Africa, Build East Africa campaign.
Lalani disclosed that the Group was employing people from the region without any discrimination, as long as they have the required skills and ability to deliver.
He also assured the Secretary-General that the firm was keen on investing in the entire region depending on the enabling environment in terms of import duty policies, level of playing field and availability of markets.
Minister of State for Industry, Dr Mutende assured the Secretary-General and investors in the region that Uganda Government was working to address all the issues impacting on her business environment including a reduction in energy costs.
EABC Chair, Mr Karera called for an urgent meeting of steel producers and stakeholders before the end of September 2015 to address the issues impacting on the sector business in the region, adding that a regional code of conduct was being developed and will be considered for adoption at the November EAC Heads of State Summit.
In his remarks, Amb. Dr Sezibera congratulated Mr Lalani for the massive and quality investment in Uganda and the wider East African region, adding that some of the issues raised were already being addressed by the EAC Secretariat, the EAC Council of Ministers and EABC.
On the issue of standards, Amb. Sezibera urged the Roofings Group to work closely with the EABC and the EAC Secretariat to sort them out.
The Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), an institution of the East African Community, ranks among the top 20 World Water Cooperation Basins, according to the Strategic Foresight Group’s Water Cooperation Quotient Index 2015. The Water Cooperation Quotient is a tool to measure intensity of co-operation in shared river and basins globally.
This was revealed by the LVBC Executive Secretary, Dr Canisius Kanangire, during the 15th Sectoral Council of Ministers Meeting (SECOM) for Lake Victoria taking place from 31st August to 4th September 2015 in Kisumu, Kenya. The Global Water Cooperation Quotient Index was launched on 11th August 2015 in Dakar, Senegal.
“This is a good piece of news from an independent and internationally reputable think tank”, said the LVBC Executive Secretary while addressing delegates from the five EAC Partner States.
Ministerial Meetings happening on an annual or bi-annual basis focused on water co-operation and policy guidance on managing shared water resources constituted part of the indicators and scoring criteria of the Water Cooperation Quotient Index.
Dr Kanangire said that such recognition was an indication of how well organised and focused the EAC was specifically in areas of joint co-operation and management, and development of shared trans-boundary resources.
He, however, noted though EAC economies were dependent on water which is a finite resource, adding that there were significant imbalances between sustainable water resources management efforts and water withdrawals for socio-economic purposes such as urbanisation, population growth demands, etc.
Addressing the Co-ordination Committee for Lake Victoria Basin and Group of Experts from the Ministries of Water and Environment from the EAC Partner States, Dr Kanangire described the depletion of global water as alarming noting that it was precipitated by the climate change.
According to Strategic Foresight Group’s Water Cooperation Quotient, the total annual renewable water resources available in the world is estimated to be 38,000 Billion Cubic Metres (BCM).
The total water withdrawal for this year is expected to be 3,800 BCM and 5,700 BCM in 2050. The reduction of the waters of Lake Chad and Lake Turkana are examples of how serious Africa’s water crisis is.
The SECOM for Lake Victoria is one of the forums through which EAC Partner States enhance co-operation for sustainable management of shared water and other natural resources.
The Chairperson of the Co-ordination Committee for SECOM, Engineer Mbogo Futakamba, who is also the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Water in the United Republic of Tanzania, commended LVBC for its efforts in managing EAC’s shared waters of Lake Victoria in a prudent manner.
Eng. Mbogo said co-operation was the most viable method for the sustainable management of shared water resources.
Agnes Yobterik, Director for Programmes, Projects and Strategic Initiatives from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Republic of Kenya lauded LVBC for promoting, facilitating and coordinating development in the Lake Victoria Basin.