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Volume 3 | Supplement 1 of November, 2021
East African Community Sustainable Development Goal on Health: Reflection and Path Ahead to 2030
17-19 November 2021
ST2 Paradigm Shift for Effective Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases
ST3 Promoting mental health care services in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: Rwanda’s experience
ST4 Can African governments afford to pay for univer- sal health coverage?
ST5 Preparing for the Next pandemic: Lessons from COVID-19 Testing
1 Adverse neonatal outcomes at the maternity ward in a County Referral Hospital, Kenya
2 An Investigation on HIV Transmission to Infants in Relation to the Mode of Infant Feeding and Maternal Immunity in Central Kenya
3 Assessment of Health System Factors influencing Satisfaction with Postnatal Care Services Among Women Who Delivered in Embu Hospital, Embu County, Kenya
4 Biomarkers of late post-discharge mortality among children treated for complicated severe malnutrition
5 Biomarkers of severe acute infections in hospitalized children
6 Changes in fertility preferences and its impact on Contraceptive use: An analysis of a national represen- tative longitudinal survey in Kenya
7 Crop Intensification Program, Feeding Practices and Nutrition Status of Children under Five Years in Musanze District, Rwanda
8 Cultural competence of health care workers on Maternal Health Care Service Utilization among Mothers of Mount Elgon Constituency Bungoma, Kenya
9 Description of Women Attending First Antenatal Care Visits at Saboti Sub County Hospital from March to December 2020
10 Desired Birth Spacing in Pregnant Women. Cases of three health facilities: one rural and two urbans in Burundi.
11 Epidemiological, Clinical and Echographic Profile of Deep Venous Thromboses in Pregnant Women at Teaching Hospital Center of Kamenge Chu in Bujumbura
12 Factors Associated with Health Seeking Behavior for Reproductive Tract Infections among Young Street Females in Eldoret, Kenya
13 Factors Associated with Maternal Deaths in Morogoro Region, Tanzania
14 Fertility Preferences, contraceptives use and preg- nancy experience among married women: Evidence from a national representative panel study in Kenya
15 Fertility trends by HIV status from 1994-2018: Evidence from health and demographic surveillance system in Tanzanian rural District
16 Health-Related Quality of Life of Children with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease after Nissen Fundoplication and Gastrostomy Tube Insertion
17 Immediate Seven Day Outcomes and Risk Factors of Low Birth Weight Neonates at Referral Hospitals in Mwanza City, Tanzania
18 Improving child health through Vitamin A supple- mentation and deworming in Kenya: Post-Event Coverage Survey for Vitamin A supplementation of children aged (6-59) months and coupled services conducted in Bungoma and Trans Nzoia Counties
19 Incidence and Factors Associated with Unwanted Pregnancy among Adolescent girls and Young Women (AGYW) in Kampala, Uganda.
20 Incidence of Preterm Birth Admissions in Uganda, 2015-2019
21 Inequities in unmet need for contraception among married women: Evidence from the PMA2020/ Kenya survey
22 Knowledge, Attitude and Factors affecting the utili- zation of postnatal care services among rural women in Kiganda District, Burundi
23 Lifestyle habits associated with adolescent over- weight and obesity in Ilala district Dar es Salaam
24 Monitoring Progress in Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health (RMCH) Following Devolution (2012- 2018) Of Health Services in Kenya: A Trend Analysis
25 Opposed to non-acceptance of vasectomy in Burundi. Case of three health structures: one rural and two urban
26 Pediatric Nursing care and its practice in health care facilities in Burundi
27 Perceived quality of childbirth care among postnatal mothers in Tanzania
28 Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in pregnant women in a hospital setting in Bujumbura
29 Prevalence, distribution and factors associated with anaemia among secondary school adolescents in Kibaha Town Council, Tanzania
30 Recurrence of Post-Term Pregnancy and Associated Factors among Women Who Delivered At Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC) In Northern Tanzania from 2000 to 2018; A Retrospective Cohort Study
31 Risk factors for maternal mortality among women who had caesarean section delivery in Kenya: a case-control study.
32 Sexuality and the risk of teenage pregnancy in Burundi
33 Spatial distribution and predictive factors of antena- tal care in Burundi
34 Streptococcus agalactiae colonization is predomi- nant among pregnant women with HIV infection and is neither predicted by hospitals’ level nor trime- sters in Mwanza, Tanzania
35 Supporting the continuum of care with a coordinat- ed, multi-level digital referral system for people- centered care.
36 The Association between Human Papillomavirus and Cervical High-Grade Cytology among HIV Positive and HIV Negative Tanzanian Women: A Cross Sectional Study
37 The Distribution of Human Resources for Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescents’ Health in Zanzibar, Tanzania
38 The impact of training on perceived performance in reproductive, maternal, and newborn health service delivery among healthcare workers in Tanzania: A baseline- and endline-survey.
39 The Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and risk factors among young adult female, Mbeya- Tanzania
40 Trend and Factors Associated With Early Antenatal Care Visit among Pregnant Women Aged 15-49 Years in Tanzania from 2004 to 2015/16
41 Understanding the Influence of Parent-adolescent Communication on Sexual and Reproductive Health Behavior of Adolescents in Uganda: A Case Study of Gulu District, Northern Uganda.
42 Use and Completeness of Partograph and Associated Factors in Mwanza Region; A Cross –Sectional Study in Public and Designated Hospitals
43 Use of social media influencers to increase uptake of HIV and SRH services uptake among adolescents
44 Utilization of over the counter medication and Herbal Remedies during pregnancy among women attending postnatal clinics: a cross-sectional study in Mbeya City, Tanzania.
45 Views of Secondary School Students on Adolescent Friendly Health Services in Level 2 Facilities in Mombasa County, Kenya
46 Factors Associated with Health Seeking Behavior for Reproductive Tract Infections among Young Street Females in Eldoret, Kenya.
47 Where and how do young people like to get their Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) informa- tion? Experiences from students in Higher Learning Institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania.
48 “By only considering the end product that means our participation has always been in vain” Defining benefits in HIV vaccine trials in Tanzania
49 A Clinicopathological Spectrum of Liver Disease among HIV Infected Individuals in Mwanza Region, Tanzania
50 Accelerated TB case finding through health system strengthening: A case of St Anthony Kibabii, Bungoma County
51 Prevalence and comorbidity of depression and alco- hol use disorder among youth in Rwanda
52 Analysis of local spatial-temporal distribution of ma- laria incidences in South Sudan with dynamic trans- mission from 2011-2018: Routine Data report
53 Antimicrobial Resistance profiles of bacterial patho- gens isolated from Cancer patients at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Referral Hospital Oncology Clinic.
54 Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles, Virulence Genes, and Genetic Diversity of Thermophilic Campylobacter Species Isolated From a Layer Poultry Farm in Korea
55 Antimycobacterial activity of Solanum torvum (Solanaceae) crude extracts
56 Bacterial cell penetrability and Hemotoxicity of pep- tides associated with antibacterial activity in African Catfish, Claris gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
57 Best practice on improving case finding at the health facility: a case of Helmi Jonas Health Centre.
58 Correlation of myeloperoxidase, neopterin and lipo- polysacharide binding protein as markers of envi- ronmental enteropathy between HIV infected and non-infected adults in Mwanza, Tanzania
59 Ethno medical knowledge and traditional use of Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. for malaria among lo- cal communities in Jubek State of South Sudan: A cross-sectional survey
60 Evaluating two new oxazolidinones for tuberculosis treatment in the PanACEA-SUDOCU and -DECODE trials
61 Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Albendazole ther- apy for Soil Transmitted Nematodes Infections in Children and associated WASH factors, Kakamega, Kenya.
62 Exploring the situated rationalities of antibiotic dis- pensing practices among drug sellers in East Africa
63 Extended Spectrum -Lactamases Producing Escherichia Coli, Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Enterobacter Spp. Colonizing Children with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Sickle Cell Disease and Diabetes Mellitus in Mwanza City, Tanzania
64 Facility-based directly observed therapy (DOT) for tuberculosis during COVID-19: a community perspective
65 Factors affecting uptake of HIV testing among sexual partners through index client modality among adults in Tanga region, Tanzania
66 Financial and social consequences of TB in the Mbeya and Songwe regions in Tanzania
67 Frequency of Sulfadoxine Pyrimethamine Resistance Associated Mutations in Plasmodium Falciparum Clinical Isolates From Kwale County, Kenya
68 Genetic diversity of transmission blocking vaccine candidates Pfs25, 230 and 48/45 gene in malaria en- demic, mesoendemic and epidemic regions of west- ern Kenya
69 Geospatial distribution of drug access points, drivers and implications on antibiotic use or misuse in East Africa
70 Health care providers practices in diagnosis and treatment of malaria in rural communities in Kisumu County, Kenya
71 High Burden of infections with schistosome and soil transmitted helminths among preschool children in Taita Taveta County, Kenya
72 HIV-1 Drug Resistant Mutations In Relation To Virologic Failure among Patients Attending Busia County Referral Hospital Kenya
73 Impact of parasite genomic dynamics as a result of drug pressure on the sensitivity of parasite isolates to currently used antimalarial drugs
74 Implementation and Client preferences on HIV dif- ferentiated service delivery models at rural public health facilities in Uganda.
75 Improving Diagnosis of Childhood TB: Preliminary Results on Fujilam and SPK from “Rapaed-TB”
76 Improving disease surveillance data analysis, inter-pretation, and use at the district level in Tanzania
77 Integrated malaria prevention in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
78 Investigation of a Rift Valley Fever Outbreak in Kiruhura District, Uganda June 2021
79 Investigation of Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Uptake of Medically Assisted Therapy among People Who Inject Drugs in the Informal Settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: A Facility Based Cross Sectional Study
80 Key factors influencing multidrug-resistant tubercu- losis in patients under anti-tuberculosis drugs in Kibumbu Sanatorium and Bujumbura anti-tubercu- losis Centres: A Mixt Effects Modelling Study in Burundi
81 Molecular Characterization of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci spp. Causing Urinary Tract Infections in Tanzania
82 Multidrug resistance and epidemiological cut-off values of Escherichia coli isolated from domesticated poultry and pigs reared in Mwanza, Tanzania
83 Non-Prescription antibiotics dispensing practices for patients with chronic UTI in community pharmacies and accredited drug dispensing outlets in Tanzania: A simulated Clients Approach
84 Pathogenic Fungi From Bat Droppings Causing Histoplasmosis In Human In Southern West Of Tanzania: Mbeya Region. A Case Study
85 Phenotypic and Molecular Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing E. coli from Human, Animals, and Environment using one- health approach in Tanzania.
86 Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 and 3 gene deletions in field isolates from areas of differ- ent malaria endemicities in Tanzania
87 Poor antibiotic dispensing practices for COVID like symptoms and lack of adherence to preventive mea- sures at community ADDOs and pharmacies in Mwanza, Tanzania
88 Praziquantel Therapy for Urogenital schistosomiasis in Pre-School Age Children of Kwale County: Assessment of Safety, Efficacy and Acceptability
89 Predominance of MDR Enterobacteriaceae causing UTI among symptomatic patients in East Africa: a call for action
90 Prevalence of and risk factors associated with HIV, Herpes Simplex Virus-type 2, Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhea infections among 18-24 year old students attending Higher Learning Institutions in Mbeya-Tanzania
91 Prevalence of Blood Stream Infections and Associated Factors among Febrile Neutropenic Cancer Patients on Chemotherapy at Ocean Road Cancer Institute, Tanzania
92 Prevalence of TB/HIV co-infection among adult patients attending HIV clinic in Juba Teaching Hospital, South Sudan: Five years retrospective study; January, 2010-December, 2014.
93 Pulmonary function testing and predictive equa- tions in child population in Mbeya, Tanzania
94 Routine Tuberculosis testing surveillance system evaluation report at Central Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (CTRL) – Muhimbili 2021.
95 Spatial and Spatio-temporal distribution of human respiratory syncytial virus, human parainfluenza vi- rus, and human adenoviruses in Kenya 2007-2013
96 Susceptibility of Campylobacter Strains to Selected Natural Products and Frontline Antibiotics
97 The Occurrence of Cystic Echinococcosis and Molecular Characterization from Livestock in Isiolo, Garissa and Wajir Counties, Kenya
98 Therapeutic efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine (Coartem®) for the treatment of uncomplicated fal- ciparum malaria in Africa: a systematic review
99 Three Promising Antimycobacterial Medicinal Plants Reviewed As Potential Sources of Drug Hit Candidates against Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
100 Towards increasing vector control coverage: a semi-field evaluation of SkintexTM blankets, alone and in combination with Olyset LLIN, against pyre- throid-resistant An. gambiae
101 Traditional uses and antibacterial activity of Opuntia ficus-indica, a case study of Kasese District, Western- Uganda
102 Treatment outcomes among Medically-Assisted Therapy clients, Mombasa-Kenya.
103 Treatment-seeking behaviours for symptoms of urinary tract infection in East Africa and irrational use of antibiotics: A mixed-methods study
104 Twenty Years of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Management of Infectious Disease Epidemics
105 Ujiplus® deworming porridge: A novel home- grown approach to Africa’s national school deworming programs
106 Uptake, adherence and barriers to occupational post exposure prophylaxis for HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
107 Urogenital pathogens causing pyuria in clinically diagnosed UTI patients in selected sites in Tanzania: The need of increasing clinical suspicious index in culture negative UTI patients
108 Strategies, challenges and opportunities for addres- sing drugs and substance abuse: A cross-sectional survey in selected counties in Kenya
109 Acute Malnutrition among Children at Time of Cancer Diagnosis at a Paediatric Oncology Centre in South West Uganda
110 Cervical cancer screening among Women of Reproductive Age 25-49 years at Kitale County hospital, Kenya
111 Comparison of risk factors between people with type 2 diabetes and matched controls in Nairobi, Kenya
112 Computed tomography scan aspects of trauma of the face at Kira Hospital in Bujumbura: a retrospec- tive study
113 Depression and Associated Factors among Medical Residents in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: A Cross Sectional Study
114 Dietary consumption patterns and development of hypertension among rural and urban population of Kisii County, Kenya
115 Drug management of hypertensive patients hospi- talized at the Kamenge University Hospital in Burundi
116 Efficacy of Various Methods of Pesticides Reduction and Degradation Processes
117 Emergy Evaluation of Treatment Methods for Solid Medical Waste in Bujumbura-Burundi
118 Enhancing Healthcare Workers’ Capacity in Cancer and other Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Care in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) through e-Health Innovations: A Case of International Cancer Institute (ICI), Eldoret, Kenya
119 Is Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (Findrisc) Useful In Screening Type 2 Diabetes in African Setting? An Experience in Young-Adults from Urban Tanzania
120 Factors associated with adherence to anti-diabetic medication among persons with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Uganda, 2020
121 Validity and acceptability of the Kiswahili-paediat- ric gait, arms, legs and spine (pGALS) screening tool at a tertiary referral hospital in Kenya
122 Histopathological evaluation of chronic rheumatic mitral valve stenosis: the association with clinical presentation, pathogenesis and management at a national cardiac institute.
123 Hyper-prevalence of sub-patent Plasmodium fal- ciparum infections in a rural area of western Kenya with declining malaria cases
124 In vitro efficacy of two microbial strains and physi- cochemical effects on their aflatoxin decontamina- tion in poultry feeds
125 Knowledge, attitude, and preparedness toward IPV care provision among nurses and midwives in Tanzania
126 Levels and correlates of physical activity and capac- ity among HIV-infected compared to HIV-unin- fected individuals
127 Low level of knowledge about cervical cancer among Ethiopian women: A systematic review and meta-analysis
128 Nurses’ and midwives’ awareness of intimate part- ner violence-related mental healthcare and associ- ated factors in Tanzania
129 Optimal cut-offs of four anthropometric measures and their predictive ability of diabetes in a national- ly representative Kenyan study
130 Poisoning Assessment and Patients’ Behavior Seeking Health Care within Urban and Rural Communities of Burundi.
131 Prevalence and factors associated with major de- pression among female sex workers in post-conflict Gulu district, Uganda: a cross-sectional study
132 Risk factors for impaired renal function in HIV- infected and HIV-uninfected adults in north-west- ern Tanzania
133 Role of knowledge and attitude in medical and dental students’ regarding use of shisha.
134 Snakebite Envenomation in Kenya: A Descriptive Spatiotemporal Analysis and Hotspots Detection
135 Strategies, challenges and opportunities for addres- sing drugs and substance abuse: A cross-sectional survey in selected counties in Kenya
136 The burden of Non-Communicable Diseases among Public Transport Workers in Tanzania
137 The burden, correlates and outcomes of left ventricular hypertrophy among young Africans with first ever stroke in Tanzania East African Health Research Journal | Volume 3 | Supplement 1
138 The Prevalence of Road Traffic Accidents in Juba City, 2018, South Sudan
139 To develop a sustainable continent - wide Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) resources for multidisciplinary research to increase understanding of SCD and im- prove health outcomes in Africa.
140 Tobacco smoking and development of hyperten- sion in urban and rural population of Kisii County, Kenya
141 A case report of Coarctation of the Aorta in the wake of COVID-19 complicating to brain aneurysm in Tanzania, a diagnostic and management challenge.
142 A Pilot Phase IB/II Study Of Whole-Lung Low Dose Radiation Therapy (LDRT) In the Treatment of Severe Covid 19 Pneumonia Patients On (Or Requiring) Mechanical Ventilatory Support.
143 Assessing Elderly Population Health Needs and health systems’ capacity for the implementation of Universal Health Coverage in Kenya
144 Choledocoduodenostomy for obstructive jaundice following SARS-CoV-2 infection: A case report.
145 Could Communities Help Achieve UHC- A Uganda Case Study.
146 Critical review of literature on health financing reforms in Uganda – progress, challenges and op- portunities for achieving UHC
147 Digestive stomas at Kamenge Teaching Hospital: Epidemiology, indications and evolution. About 49 cases
148 Digitalizing Tanzania’s health system: Co-developing a national digital health strategy and primary health care roadmap to achieve universal health coverage
149 Evaluation of effect of community dialogue meet- ings on self-efficacy, willingness to receive and atti- tude towards COVID-19 vaccine among district leaders’ in Rwenzori and Bunyoro regions, Uganda, May 2021
150 Experiences of Frontline Workers in Quarantine Sites for COVID-19 in Kenya, a Qualitative Study
151 Factors associated with medical student performance
152 Factors Predicting Mortality in Digestive Surgery of Elderly Patients at Kamenge Teaching Hospital.
153 Gendered effects of COVID- 19 related School Closures
154 Health diplomacy – a bridge to the internalization of the health financing progress matrix in Burundi
155 Health facilities’ readiness for safe surgical care pro- Republic of Congo during Ebola and COVID-19 era vision in Uganda and the Eastern Democratic
156 Integration of information and communication technology in COVID-19 pandemic response in Uganda
157 Navigating Emergency but Licit Procurement for Covid-19 Pandemic.
158 Perception and Challenges of Health Sciences Students towards E-Learning in a Sub-Saharan African Country – A Multi- Institutional Study
159 Quest for Universal Health Coverage in Kenya: Leveraging Legal Approaches
160 The use of stories-of-significant change to elucidate health systems changes with potential to inform universal health coverage national aspirations from six pilot counties in Kenya
161 User perspectives on the use of e-Compliance in monitoring Tuberculosis treatment adherence in Temeke, Tanzania
162 African Traditional/Herbal Medicine in the 21st Century: Research in this field at CTMDR-KEMRI, Kenya and a request for collaboration in the East African region
163 Assessment of Adverse Events Following COVID- 19 Immunization in Greater Kampala, Uganda, June, 2021
164 Burnout and Vicarious Trauma among Healthcare Workers Caring For Covid-19 Cases in Kenya.
165 Caring under COVID – 19: Is the Pandemic Changing Domestic Care giving Responsibilities and Relationships in Uganda?
166 Community mask wearing, predictors, experiences among rural households of Uganda: A mixed methods approach
167 Coping strategies among postgraduate medical stu- dents of the Aga Khan University Hospital Nairobi during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey
168 COVID-19 Cluster Investigation in Achwa Hydroelectric Power Plant, Pader District, Uganda- October 2020
169 COVID-19: Knowledge, Perception of Risk, Preparedness and Vaccine Acceptability among Healthcare Workers in Kenya
170 COVID-19 management outcomes at Kamenge Teaching Hospital: Study of confirmed and severe cases COVID-19 patients.
171 COVID-19 Pandemic and the Panic Buying Psychology
172 Epidemiological Assessment of COVID-19 Cluster among Attendees of a Church Activity in Omoro District, Northern Uganda, October 2020
173 Integrating social science approaches in response to COVID-19 pandemic
174 Knowledge, attitudes and Practices of Medical Student on Covid 19 in Burundi
175 Quality management systems, a bed rock for resil- ient Laboratory systems in the COVID-19 dispatch: A TASO Soroti regional project experience
176 Quality Verification and Traceability for COVID-19 Vaccines
177 Results from a Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Perception Survey conducted in the Early Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Kenya, 2020
178 Strengthening the use of health research in policy and decision-making process: Implications for COVID-19 response in Kenya
179 Unlocking MNO Data to Enhance Decision-Making and Emergency Response Efforts in Malawi
180 Use of a toll-free call center for COVID-19 response and continuity of essential services during the lock- down in Greater Kampala, Uganda, 2020
181 Using digital platforms in addressing dis-information and hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccination in Uganda.
182 Vaccination status and COVID-19 disease symptom severity at admission: A hospital based retrospec- tive cross-section study in Kampala, Uganda
183 What Kenyans know and believe about Covid-19 vaccines: Evidence from a nationwide survey
S1 Health Technologies in Africa: Introducing the Platform for Dialogue and Action on Health Technologies in Africa
S2 Weathering The Pandemic Storm: Building Strong, Sustainable And Equitable Immunization Systems In East Africa
S3 Universal Health Coverage: Status of the Health Universal Coverage in East Africa: Challenges and Solutions to attain SDG3
The East African Health Research Journal (EAHRJ) is a no-fee, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published at www.eahealth.org. Established by the East African Health Research Commission (EAHRC) of the East African Community (EAC; www.eac.int), the primary aim of the journal is to present evidence that can be the basis for better health policy and practice in the countries of the EAC. Specifically, the journal aims to:
- Represent the East African perspective on health and health related-issues
- Provide information that is relevant to the EAC
- Be a platform for sharing and dissemination of knowledge
- Enable scholarly recognition of professionals and institutions
- Support professionals’ career development
- Provide forum for health professionals from East Africa to be more visible globally
- Provide direction in setting up health priorities in the region
The EAHRJ will promote and facilitate the application of knowledge from research to strengthen national and regional health policy and practice; development of human-resource capacities and skills; exchange and dissemination of health-research information; and advocacy of evidence generated from health research. Issues of the journal will include original articles, reviews, short communications, surveys, commentaries, supplementary issues, and reports, and cover a broad range of health and related aspects, including medicine, geo-medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, veterinary science, food science, environment, health-related agriculture science, and public health.
The EAHRJ will be published three times a year online, at www.eahealth.org, and in hard copy. Hard copies will be distributed to all relevant stakeholders, such as government institutions and organisations, research institutions, academic institutions, relevant NGOs, civil society organisations, etc. We expect that this journal will add value to the various initiatives taken to improve health and wellbeing of the people of East Africa and the world in general.
Fabian Mashauri, MSc, PhD; Principal Health Officer, East African Health Research Commission, Burundi
Novat Twungubumwe, MD, MSc; Principal Health Officer East African Health Research Commission, Burundi
Sandra Nkurunziza, MD, MPH; University of Burundi, Burundi
Judy Mwai, MSc, PhD; Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
Vincent Mutabazi, MBChB, MSc; Rwanda Biomedical Centre, Rwanda
Benon Asiimwe, MSc, PhD, MPH; Makerere University, Uganda
Tolbert Sonda MSc, PhD; Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute, Tanzania
Ndekya Oriyo, MSc, PhD; National Institute of Medical Research, Tanzania
Steve Wandiga, MSc, PhD; Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
Zaidi Mkangwa, BSc, MSc; East African Health Research Commission, Burundi
The East African Health Research Journal is a no-fee, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published online at www.eahealth.org. It is published three times per year by the East African Health Research Commission, an institution of the East African Community, P.O. Box 350, Bujumbura, Burundi. The journal is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (www.usaid.gov) and the East African Community (www.eac.int). EAHRJ is editorially independent and does not necessarily represent the views or positions of the East African Community.
The East African Health Research Journal is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are properly cited. To view a copy of this license, visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. For further information, please contact the editors at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
You are invited to submit your manuscript to the EAHRJ.
EAHRJ publishes original articles, reviews, short communications, surveys, commentaries, supplementary issues, and reports. These articles cover a broad range of health and related aspects, including medicine, geo-medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, veterinary science, food science, environment, health-related agriculture science, and public health.
Note that EAHRC is working with the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) to publish the EAHRJ. CCP publishes the Global Health: Science and Practice Journal (GHSP).
Evans Amukoye, MD, MMed; Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
Prince Ngongo Bahati, MS, MBA; Gates Foundation, USA
John Bartlett, MD; Duke University, USA
Leodegal Bazira, MD, PhD; University of Burundi, Burundi
Agnes Binagwaho, MD, MMed, PhD; University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda
Paul Erasto Kazyoba, MSc, PhD; National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania
Sam Kariuki, DVM, PhD; Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
Gibson Kibiki, MD, MMed, PhD; Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute, Tanzania
Andrew Kitua, MD, PhD; BroadReach Health Development, Tanzania
Patrick Kyamanywa, MBChB, MMed, MPH; Kampala International University, Uganda
Edda Tandi Lwoga, MSc, PhD; College of Business Education, Tanzania
Jean Baptiste Mazarati, PhD; Rwanda Biomedical Centre, Rwanda
Yunus D. Mgaya, MSc, PhD, FTAAS; National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania
Stella Mpagama, MD, MSc, PhD; Kibong’oto National Infectious Disease Hospital, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Patricia Munseri, MD, MMed, PhD; Muhimbili University of Health & Allied Sciences, Tanzania
Jean De Dieu Ngirabega, MD, MSc, PhD; Ruli Higher Institute of Health, Rwanda
Joseph Nyandwi, MBChB, MSc, PhD; National Institute of Public Health, Burundi
Jenny Renju, MSc, PhD; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
Wilber Sabiiti, MSc, PhD; University of St Andrews, UK
Kihumbu Thairu, MBChB, FRCP, PhD; University of Nairobi, Kenya
Gabriel Upunda, MD, MPH; Tanzania Medical Council, Tanzania
Fred Were, MBChB, MMed, PhD; University of Nairobi, Kenya
Alimuddun Zumla, MD, FRCP; University College London, UK
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In general, papers should be prepared in accordance with the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.
Open Access Policy
EAHRJ applies the Creative Commons Attribution License to all articles that we publish. Under this license, authors retain ownership of copyright for their articles or they can transfer copyright to their institution, but authors allow anyone to copy, distribute, transmit, and/or adapt articles without permission, so long as the original authors and source are cited.
Peer-reviewers Policy
East African Health Research Journal (EAHRJ) operates a double-blind peer review system, in which the identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review process.
EAHRJ contains peer-reviewed articles, original articles, reviews, book reviews, short communications, surveys, commentaries, opinions on policy or practice, essays, reports, etc., from East Africa. It covers the wide range of subjects and issues in the health sector ranging from medicine, geo-medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, veterinary science, food science, health-related agriculture science, health professionals, etc., that provide evidence for improving health policy and practice.
When manuscripts are submitted for publication consideration to the EAHRJ, they are first screened by members of the scientific editorial team. If manuscripts meet the minimum standard of the EAHRJ, they are then assigned four peer-reviewers. Submitted manuscripts undergo double-blind peer review. The EAHRJ editorial board has established a pool of twenty (20) permanent peer-reviewers from five East African Community Partner States. This permanent pool of reviewers meets once a year to discuss challenges and suggest recommendations to improve the review process. In addition to the pool of permanent peer-reviewers, the EAHRJ also engages scholars from Health Research Institutions and teaching hospitals from EAC Partner States.
Original Articles, Reviews/Meta-Analyses, Field Action Reports, Technical Notes, and Methodological papers are considered appropriate for publication when have been reviewed by at least 2 peer-reviewers. Short communications, commentaries, opinions on policy or practice, essays, reports are considered appropriate for publication when they have been reviewed by at least one peer-reviewer.
The EAHRJ gives reviewers twenty one (21) working days to review a manuscript and submit their comments. The authors are susequently given fourteen (14) working days to respond to reviewers' comments. This turnaround time can be extended upon request from reviewers/authors. If the decision is for revision, authors are requested to respond to comments raised by reviewers. The Deputy Editor-in-Chief reviews the author's responses to ensure that the author has adequately responded to all comments raised by peer-reviewers. Reviewers are then informed of the status of the manuscripts they have reviewed.
If the decision is for revision, the author is requested to address each comment by the reviewers, and submit a letter outlining their responses accompanying their revised manuscript. The assigned editor will re-evaluate the revisions and will either make a decision or submit the manuscript for a second round of review, usually to the original set of reviewers. Reviewers will be informed of the outcome of manuscripts which they have reviewed.
The role of peer reviewers is to recommend acceptance – either with or without revision or resubmission–or rejection of papers.
In the case of discordant reviews, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief may seek review by an additional expert/reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection taking into account reviewers’ recommendations.
Publication of articles by the East African Health Research Journal is primarily dependent on their clarity, and potential impact, as judged by peer-reviewers and the editorial team. The main criteria on which peer reviewers will assess the manuscripts include:
- Importance and relevance of the topic
- Originality of the work that adds value to the existing body of knowledge
- Substance
- Sound study (or program) design and methodology (or implementation)
- Sound use of evidence
- Compelling conclusions that are actionable and based on the evidence presented
- Presentation and clarity of writing
Manuscripts will be sent to a statistician for additional review if necessary based on recommendations from the reviewers and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
Author Fees
EAHRJ does not charge any fees to authors to submit or publish articles in our journal. (Post-publication changes, which are very rare, may be subject to a nominal fee.)
For further information, please contact the editors at eahrj.editor[at]gmail.com